Oh dear, what did I do to deserve such problem cats? After two and a half months, nary a cuddle from either.
And bed-wetting!!! Yesterday I got up early to wash the bed linen. I took the sheet, pillow slips and doona cover off the bed and put them in the washing machine. When I walked back into the bedroom, Mr Naughty had piddled on the electric blanket, and the wee had gone through that to the mattress cover. Fortunately, these days electric blankets are washable, so I threw these two into the machine.
The day was warm and windy, so everything on the line dried. When he got home from work, Philip came to help me make up the bed with the fresh linen. (In the morning, I had thrown a top cover that Mr Naughty has shredded, onto the floor, as it wouldn't fit into the machine. I always put it on the top so he doesn't get the chance of shredding any other doona covers.)
We'd put the mattress cover, the electric blanket, the sheet and the doona back on the bed, and I leaned down to pick up the shredded top cover. Oh my god - it was soaking wet!!!!!!!!!!! There was no smell, and I hadn't noticed in the morning, so it had lain there all day. I had kept the bedroom door closed after discovering the wet electric blanket, so that naughty cat had obviously piddled in two places in the morning.
I was beside myself, and locked them both in the bathroom for the night. But they looked so forlorn (see photo) I knew that wouldn't last long. So, this morning I've allowed them into the living room but not the bedroom.
I really don't know what to do.