Saturday, May 5, 2018


This morning I decided to get my things in order and was shocked to find my WILL folder empty! I have two filing cabinets, each with dozens of files. So now I'm sorting through them all, deciding what to keep and what to throw away. I have hundreds of letters and photos. I'm cutting the stamps off the envelopes, as I believe there are still people who save them.

It's interesting, too, seeing all the different addresses on the envelopes, places I've lived. By the time I was 32, I'd had 32 addresses! It makes me wonder how I managed the logistics! I didn't stop moving then, but stopped counting.

It's making me very sad. I'm still in touch with most people, and presume the ones I've lost touch with have died.

It really is one of life's hardest decisions - what to keep and what to get rid of. My ancestry search is making me realise how important it is to keep records of things, but then that creates so much stuff. Even my computer files are in a dreadful mess.

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