Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Storm by name, storm by nature

The morning after...I heard Storm the other night having fun and games in his litter tray. This was the result in the morning!

Here he is that day - you'd think butter wouldn't melt in his mouth:

Jewel is still very nervous and stays under my bed all the time. I assume she comes out when I'm not looking, to eat and drink and use the litter tray, but I don't know for sure.

I think I've beaten Storm - I've put a high-side litter tray in the bathroom and not a crumb was tossed over this morning!

Late last night,when I was in bed watching TV on the iPad, Storm played happily near me for more than an hour. Then he hopped underneath and snuggled up to Jewel. He ate an enormous breakfast. I'm not sure which of the two ate the second helping I offered. I hope it was Jewel. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is a scamp! ��
Have you considered getting a covered litter tray? I have one, which is totally enclosed, and it can even be put outside - very useful for containing messy litter.

I’ve seen them fitted inside cupboards and cabinets - just a neat cat flap on the side.
There’s even one online which looks like an oversized plant pot - it stands in a corner, and the cats go in via a hole in the back.