Saturday, December 6, 2014

More storms

Luckily the plumber solved the problem by cleaning tree roots out of all the drains!  Let's hope the one outside my bedroom won't overflow any more.  Yes Winifred, bringing the sunshine inside would be a very good idea - much cheaper than hiring that big blower.

This is a fabulous shot, a long exposure taken by a Sydney man.

More storms to come.  This is like February weather.  Not hard to believe the weather all over the world has changed.

It's raining at the moment, and hot and humid.  Emma has come down for her Saturday night with Nanny and the big countdown to Christmas.

1 comment:

Winfix said...

How lovely to have her - I too am expecting Georgina who has already texed me a request for supper. She would like salmon and 'a mixture' please. I have to guess the mixture but so long as it is not green she'll gobble it up. We have all decided never to mention the word green again in the hope that if she thinks we don't care she will just start eating those dreadful things like cabbage and lettuce in her own time. She is a delight though and I say that without a shred of prejudice. xx