Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jigsaw addict

I've been doing upwards of 10 jigsaws per day since I discovered they are online.  This is one of my favourites.  I can't make the picture bigger without losing clarity, but you can get an idea of the detail in the house, which I think is really beautiful.  If you're interested in doing some yourself, here's the link:

This morning I watched an American man on TV explaining how bad sitting down is for us, so I'm going to put my pc on top of my chest of drawers and give standing a try for a while.  Then I needn't feel so guilty about spending so much time at the keyboard.

Standing up now!  I just googled and found the research was done at the University of Leicester (the one I saw was American but I don't know which uni).  Here's the result:


Sedentary time is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality; the strength of the association is most consistent for diabetes.

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