Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In good company

In spite of thinking I have a moratorium on buying books, I slip up now and then, and the other day came home with this (second hand):

I read 'Resurrection' a few weeks back and was very taken with Tolstoy's writing - not surprising, as he is one of the greatest writers of all time - and this led me to ask Mr Google lots of things about Russian history, architecture, clothes, etc.  Fortunately, my Russian friend Olga - where are you??? - was a great help, especially with names.  (He has a descendant who is a famous singer, Viktoria Tolstoy, living in Sweden - a nice little bit of trivia for you.)  'Anna Karenina' is an all-time favourite of mine and I don't think I ever finished 'War and Peace', but am sure I enjoyed as much as I read.

Three doors down, there is a sign on the gate:  Russian Playgroup, and I read in the paper this week that there is now a Russian community centre/Saturday morning school a few suburbs away.  I am tempted to learn the language but that, of course, would be simply stupid, as I really need to get on with my Japanese.

This brings me to the point of today's blog - I learnt in the above book that Tolstoy was a great list maker and constantly fell short of the things he was trying to achieve.  That's ME all over!!!  I have so many things on my lists that sometimes I do nothing because I find it  overwhelming and don't know where to start.  Today is going to be one of those days, I can tell...

The only thing I never fail to do is make my morning coffee and spend about two hours drinking it before I can get my brain into gear.  Lately I've been playing the piano most days, while neglecting everything else.

Post Script:  Olga just emailed, so that is a relief!  She's been to Japan with her husband since we last communicated and has wonderful things to say about the trip.

1 comment:

Winfix said...

Tell us when you finish reading it - about next Christmas by my reckoning! xx