Monday, December 5, 2011

It's that time of year again...

Friend Wendy put on a lovely Christmas morning tea on Friday.  On Saturday Emma and I met Lina who gave us treats with our coffee after piano lesson.  I met Lina again on Sunday morning at another fete, but we'd only been there two minutes when it poured rain, so we dashed for our respective trains and went to bed in our separate homes with a book.  Sunday afternoon was Emma's preschool Christmas party, with what seemed like thousands of little angels, reindeer and Santas dressed up to sing songs, freeze in terror, burst into tears or run around and generally ignore the admiring audience with their mobiles flashing away.  There was hardly a Caucasian face to be seen!  The Montessori preschool has all Sri Lankan teachers and most of the kids come from Sri Lanka or India.  Emma speaks beautifully as a result!  Not a trace of an Ocker accent, thank goodness.

I need a full week to recover, but I'm actually in the middle of making curtains for upstairs.  With 5 x 216 cm lengths of material, plus 5 x 216 cm of thermal lining spread out over the floor and a shoulder that won't allow my right arm to work (after my fall) you can imagine what my living room looks like.


frank said...

Thats one lovely looking meal! and that Christmas tree is a Beaut, Diane whats an Ocker accent?

Winfix said...

I should say your living room is full of love so what's a bit of clutter in the important sceme of things? xxx
Oh! and the pictures are lovely.