Thursday, January 14, 2016

Sign of the times?

Some months back I arranged to meet a friend who was staying on the other side of Sydney at this cafe, about halfway between our homes. When we arrived from our different directions, it was closed, and we were dumbfounded to find the above sign.

At the time, I thought I'd never seen anything sillier, and was quite annoyed, but now I'm beginning to think it's a bit like my brain - not open for business very often!

I'm finding modern life too complex and confusing and I know I'm not the only one. There are frequent radio discussions and newspaper articles about the information overload and such things as 'Are our children unhappier because of social media?'

I don't have to tell you how frustrating it is nowadays trying to make a phone call to a government department or business, or to book a ticket for a flight or a show online.

I find I lose the plot very quickly and end up asking Philip to do things for me. Poor darling, he tells me since his job is in IT, he is nearly driven mad all day every day. Nothing is simple or straightforward. To do the least little thing you need about three hours. He is getting more and more frustrated and usually yells into the phone - no human there, of course - and, when given the opportunity to give feedback online, uses words I've never heard of!

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