Sunday, May 31, 2015


Just glanced up and saw this wonderful sunset, so dashed outside and took some pics. The tall flower is on one of our
xanthorrheas. It came out white because I used the flash.

It's been cloudy all day, so this evening effect is completely unexpected. Winter tomorrow. I think in the northern hemisphere you wait till the solstice, but here we start winter on the first day of June.

My problem with music is that I can't sing a note, have no sense of rhythm, and can barely tell one tune from another!
Playing the piano is like climbing Mt Everest - extremely difficult.


Winfix said...

Can't believe this is true Diane - you obviously like music and must have some understanding to play the piano. You and Emma will be the hit of the night. If I lived close by I would be a 'cheer leader' - if only I knew what that was; I think it is an Americanism I have picked up.
I think it is funny that when Philip and Janna (hard J as in Jane)watch a video
of a film made in this country they have to use sub titles for Janna and when they watch an American programme they have to use sub titles for Philip. Two nations divided by the same language.x

frank said...

Keep practicing Diane, practice makes perfect!