Thursday, February 12, 2015

Starting Japanese again. Again. Again.

I actually learnt some Japanese this morning, after trying to motivate myself for about four years.  Let's hope I can keep it up.

In theory, when I give an English lesson to my three students on Monday mornings, I'm supposed to be able to do the same in Japanese.  But of course, I never can.

Notice the stack of paintings leaning against the chest of drawers at the end of the table - been here for four years and have not yet found enough wall space to hang them up.

The one thing I am doing regularly is exercising six days a week - stretch/yoga, pilates, aquazumba, and/or swim laps.  Almost never miss.

1 comment:

Winfix said...

you are a clever lady, I am just about on speaking terms with my Spanish teacher who thinks I should work a bit harder. He's a love but distrusts the Brit's yearning to speak another tongue with any great ability. Perhaps he's right.
I too never miss my swim and pool exercises. xx