Saturday, August 2, 2014

Emma's birthday present

Emma and family are in Tasmania for her birthday and struck it lucky with the heaviest snow fall in 40 years at Cradle Mountain.  Lucky because snow hadn't even been forecast, yet it started to fall as soon as they arrived!

I've been catching up on your comments, Winifred and Infogenium.  Interesting what you both have to say about cleaning products.  And I've taken a renewed interest in cemeteries since you told me about Philip's book, Winifred, and planned to visit a couple today, but - oh, old age! - the other day I pinched a nerve in my right ankle and when I walk the ankle tends to collapse under me, so perhaps I'd better rest a bit longer.  I'll learn some Japanese instead.


Winfix said...

Hope the children like the snow - I can't imagine it myself but when it snows here both Max and Georgina run out into it whilst I am indoor shouting 'Oh no!' or some such thing.
Hope the ankle is better. xx

infogenium said...

Brrrrr... Hope your foot is better.