These days I try to avoid filling in forms, making phone calls or doing things online as it only ends in An error occurred while trying to save or publish your post. Please try again.
Trying to make a phone call has to be one of life's most frustrating experiences. Every person who answers - eventually - is almost impossible to understand, either because they're at a call centre in India or the Philippines or a new arrival to Australia and can barely speak English. Why give them a job answering the phone?????????????
And, of course, you are expected to know the magic number and password for a thousand things and if you don't, you can't make any changes. A bloke on the phone just emailed me a form to print, but I must have photographic evidence of myself!!!! How ridiculous - they don't know what I looked like in the first place!!!!!!!!!
What I was trying to do was find out why emails addressed to through iinet are not getting through, even though they've charged me $25 for the privilege. They, of course, have not answered my email asking for my money back.
So, if you are still using the ozemail address, please get rid of it and only use
Michael, I'm sure Muffy wouldn't even venture outside into the snow! What a lovely pic!
What really gets me is automated answering machines, where its press 1 if this and 2 for that and it can be half an hour before you (if ever) connect with a human voice, ususlly in the Far East asian Continent, they should have an option like "press 3 if you're totally Cheesed off" Would suggest a stronger response, but Children may read this Blog!
Happy Easter to you all!
Over here in northern Germany it’s all winter with snow and temperatures 10 degrees below last Christmas – and no better forecast. Hope you'll have it better...
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