Friday, August 31, 2012

More on houses

Olga, gluing our houses together, as you put it, is indeed something that most people would wonder about.  It seems that when the British colonialists came they simply built the only way they knew, without stopping to think there might be another way, especially in a country as vast as Australia.  However, they did built individual houses as well, especially in the country.   Here's a drawing of a slab hut in the early days:

I've been in Hornsby one and a half years now, and have still not unpacked all my bits and pieces. The other day Philip hung a few of my own paintings in the remaining wall spaces.  The place maybe looks a bit cluttered now, but at least it feels like home.

No surprise that I've put this one over the piano.  It's a print brought back by friends as a gift from the Prado in Spain many years ago.  I actually think it's a boy playing the instrument, but of course Emma assumes it's a girl.

1 comment:

Winfix said...

Lovely pictures. I live in a house that is 'glued' (lovely expression)
to another one, for the first time
in my life and I worried about it but it was the only one we could afford. We may be just lucky but I
have never heard a sound from the next door house. We know their names - they are called John and Lynne but mostly we wave and smile if we see each other walking to our garages. Just proves the English are not very friendly.