Oh dear, I must be the most disorganised person on the planet. Every morning when I wake up, I'm overwhelmed with what I have to do that day and consequently frequently end up doing nothing but lie on the sofa watching YouTube or Netflix.
For starters, I have 3,191 emails in my Inbox, all waiting to be read, filed or answered. Most of them are from DDOLL (Developmental Disorders of Language and Literacy), a reading network I belong to, with people from all over the world commenting on the sad state of reading in English-speaking countries, and sometimes one email contains up to 40 separate comments. I really am interested in what it written, but never have time to read them all, but don't want to delete them.
And the smartphone - oh my god, I still haven't got the hang of it and it takes me ages to figure out how to answer whatsapps, messages, etc, etc. From the moment Philip gave it to me (it's his old phone) I had trouble and seemed to have to recharge it every five minutes. He finally looked at it for me and discovered the actual battery was almost worn out, so now I have a new one.
Then there are the usual chores: breakfast, take pills, feed the cat or cats, empty the bins, tidy up a bit, deflea Floppy (this is his name now, after Storm and Mr Naughty), read the paper, do the crossword, put chlorine in the pool, wash and hang out the clothes, sweep up the leaves and skim them from the pool, maybe a bit of weeding, a swim, shower, hang out the wet swimmers and towel, dry my hair....and on it goes. Now that school has started, I give Emma her breakfast and we'll start doing 30 mins' maths revision again tomorrow. (This is really a case of the blind leading the blind, as I can barely add 2 and 2. I tried a tutor for her last year, but she couldn't get down to Emma's level.)
Since I discovered some time ago that somebody (Floppy or Jewel or both?) had done a wee on the sofa and a poo on my bed, they were both banished to outside. But gradually I've softened and occasionally let them in overnight. Floppy loves company, but Jewel is still afraid and I can't touch her.
The baby in the photo is James, brother of Daniel, the 8-yr-old who comes to me for French lessons.
We've been having a heatwave over past weeks. Thank goodness for our pool! I shouldn't complain, because there are dreadful floods in north Queensland (one year's rain in a couple of days) and bushfires in Tasmania. January was the hottest since records began in Australia.