Years ago, after a cat fight, Muffy was left with a dangling toe, which the vet had to completely remove under anaesthesia. When she came home from the hospital, she sat upright like this all night. This recent sitting upright should have made me realise it was because she was in pain again.
It took more than a week for a narrow strip of fur to come off her leg, then in a few days this strip had grown to the size of a 20 cent piece, and I could see tiny holes like teeth marks in it. In another day or so the bare patch was purple and swollen, so I rushed her to the vet. It was an abscess, which he cut and drained.
Poor, poor darling. She must have been suffering intense pain for about three weeks before I had the sense to take her to the vet. It wasn't simply old age, but an acute problem. What a strange reaction for her to sit bolt upright for hours at a time, even in her litter tray!
When I told the vet I'd stopped her medication and was giving her normal food he sternly told me not to, or she'd die of kidney failure. So back on the unappetising special food she went.
It took more than a week for a narrow strip of fur to come off her leg, then in a few days this strip had grown to the size of a 20 cent piece, and I could see tiny holes like teeth marks in it. In another day or so the bare patch was purple and swollen, so I rushed her to the vet. It was an abscess, which he cut and drained.
Poor, poor darling. She must have been suffering intense pain for about three weeks before I had the sense to take her to the vet. It wasn't simply old age, but an acute problem. What a strange reaction for her to sit bolt upright for hours at a time, even in her litter tray!
When I told the vet I'd stopped her medication and was giving her normal food he sternly told me not to, or she'd die of kidney failure. So back on the unappetising special food she went.