After a long-lasting addiction I've managed to tear myself away from BBC radio 4 and right now I'm listening to an Italian station featuring 60s hits! Earlier, while doing that, I made my first loaf of five-seed bread in the Thermomix AND some butter!!!
The warm bread is so delicious I ate about one third of it as soon as it was cool enough to cut. It was really very easy to make, using the Thermomix. And, to be honest, I really had no idea that butter is simply cream beaten so hard the liquid (butter milk) is forced out. How embarrassing to be so ignorant. I vaguely remember my grandmother making butter when I was little, but had no understanding of what was happening.
Some time back I reserved Dodie Smith's 'A Tale of Two Families', a novel which was discussed on Radio 4, and the library emailed this morning to tell me it's arrived - they had actually bought it specially for me!
Yesterday I had a tooth pulled and am not supposed to exercise, so won't go to aquazumba this evening, will read the book instead. It's quite exciting having a new routine.
Emma, Hugo and Manami just came down and tried the bread and butter, giving both the thumbs up! From now on I'll make my own bread every day. Winifred, it won't take me long to get back the $2,089 the Thermomix cost. According to my maths, I only have to bake two loaves of bread per week for the next 12 years.
An email just popped in, from a new-found cousin in Hawaii, telling me she might come and visit me in a year or two. Wow! One of her daughters lives in New Zealand, so she can stop off here on the way to visit her. Our grandparents were siblings. My father died in 1969 yet her father is still living. Our great-grandmother was pregnant from 1870 to 1893 - 23 years!! Oh for the good old days - not!
Goodness, gracious me! It's getting even more exciting! Just phoned my sister to tell her about the cousin and she was on the point of phoning me to tell me her daughter-in-law and two grandchildren, Mia and Tyler, are coming to Sydney soon!!! They will be en route from New York where they live, via the kids' great-grandmother in Japan.