Monday, September 14, 2015

Sydney old and new

Every time I go out I wish I hadn't. Long-haul flights are a definite NEVER AGAIN, and train trips and even walking in the city are a nightmare. The constant noises from mobiles, people talking very loudly on them or playing noisy, stupid games nearly drive me mad. Not to mention general bad behaviour, like putting feet on seats. And the train announcements - every two seconds!! Keeping left on foothpaths seems to be a thing of the past. I stick with determination to my side and bang with my handbag - very deliberately and heavily - all those who don't move over! I've even thought of putting poking-out pins in my bag, but Philip tells me I'll get arrested!

In fact, I leave the house less and less frequently these days. Yesterday I ventured into the city to have a look at Barangaroo, the new casino being built and the new reserve offered to the public in consolation.

If you look closely at the top photo, you'll see a row of terraced houses above the high wall. This is public housing, which the government wants to sell off, in spite of meeting a lot of resistance.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Cherry Blossom Festival

Last Sunday I took myself to a far-distant suburb where there was a cherry blossom festival in the botanic gardens. It was really lovely, with many young people dressed up. Much easier than going all the way to Japan!

Life goes on...I'm still chasing my tail and getting very frustrated. I made a decision to stop taking piano lessons as there aren't enough hours in the day and something had to give. I'll continue playing and doing the online theory course from Edinburgh Uni.

Spring is here in the antipodes. We've had some lovely warmish days already. Won't be long before we're complaining about the heat and bushfires.