When I was upstairs the other day I noticed a couple of threadbare silk cushion covers, so volunteered to make some new ones. Under my bed is a huge plastic bag full of materials, and I knew there was some Thai silk there that Philip had brought back from Thailand for me years ago.
I dragged the big bag out and spread the small bags all over my bedroom floor till I found the one I wanted, and set about cutting out and sewing. Oh dear, I get annoyed with my own incompetence! I could barely remember how to use the machine, and sat for ages puzzling over the most basic things. Then, of course, the thread kept breaking and I was nearly in tears because my eyesight is deteriorating and I could barely see to thread the needle again. However, I did manage to finish one cover and decided to leave the second one till this morning when the light would be better.
After swimming my 10 laps at the council pool and having breakfast here beside our own pool, I set to, and in between hanging out a couple of loads of washing and Skyping a friend, am now thrilled to have two brand new cushion covers for upstairs!!
Next job is to clean up dozens of threads all over the floor, put away the ironing board, sewing things and machine. By then, the washing will be dry as it's a beautiful day, so I'll put the sweet-smelling sheets back on the bed.