On Wednesday night I was still awake at 2am when I decided to turn off the radio and enjoy listening to the pouring rain. After a while I wondered where Muffy was, so stood up to look inside my walk-in wardrobe. Squelch. I stood in a puddle and immediately thought she must have done a wee, though that would have been a first for her, as she always goes outside into the garden. I took another step and there was another squelch. With sinking heart I realised my whole bedroom was awash, so I flew upstairs to get Philip, not noticing that as I went through the bathroom it was also awash.
We realised the drain outside my bedroom window was not running, as it could not cope with the huge volume of water. The only place for the water to go was into my bedroom and bathroom, as the previous owner had foolishly and inexplicably built the paving stones sloping towards the house instead of away from it. But as we stood there, open-mouthed, the drain began to run again.
There was probably 2 inches of water covering my bedroom floor, so we did our best to soak the worst of it up in dozens of towels, and carried everything into the living room, which fortunately was not affected. The wet bathroom didn't matter, as the floor is tiled and there was the drain at the bottom of the shower.
Philip hired two professional blowers and had them running in the bedroom by 6:30am, and had to take the day off work. I was completely overwhelmed and slept all day on the sofa to get away from my misery. The blowers stayed on from Thursday morning till 6:30am Saturday and did an excellent job. The carpet is OK - does not need replacing.
Oh my god!!!!!! As I write this, another thunder storm has suddenly hit. i dashed outside to bring in the washing but didn't make it before I was nearly blown away by tremendous winds and drenched by pouring rain. Philip is working today to make up for Thursday and now I suppose the pool will overflow!!!!!!! As the saying goes, it never rains but it pours...