There's a park just down the road where Philip takes the family as often as possible. It was given to the council by the family that used to live in the lovely old house, which is now a museum. It's huge, and has sections of gardens and buildings from all round the world, as well as having a kids' playground, picnic areas, etc.
While they all went on Sunday, I stayed home, muddling along with my piano and Japanese. Now, I tell you, Japanese has to be the HARDEST language in the entire world. I just printed 20 pages on verbs I found on Wikipedia. (When I studied at TAFE a long time ago, we did a whole year without as much as learning a single verb. There are no English equivalents like French, Spanish, German, etc. Oooooooohhhhhhhhh, it's nearly impossible!)
I definitely think we should change the expression, 'It's all Greek to me' to 'It's all Japanese to me.' Of course, I could say the same thing about piano chords!
And, into the bargain, I'm trying to read Sartre's Being and Nothingness (635 pp), A C Grayling's The Good Book - A Secular Bible (597 pp) and Matthew White's Atrocitology (668 pp). Not to mention I'm still going with Aylmer Maude's The Life of Tolstoy (928 pp), Steve Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature - Why Violence has Declined (802 pp) and your thin little volume, Olga, Elif Batuman's The Possessed, (a mere 296 pp). I've included the index in the page count, so they're all really a bit shorter!