...at my choice of photo this morning. Well, to explain, I'm having another frustrating day trying to figure out how the daughter of a design engineer can be so unbelievably challenged in the 'doing' department, and struggle to get a slice of cheese out of its wrapper. If I ever do manage 'to do' something, I am inordinately pleased with myself! This morning's amazing achievement on my part was changing not only this vacuum cleaner bag, but a filter as well! I have no recollection of ever having done either of these things before, but surely I must have at some time in the past and have simply forgotten.
I started the day searching for some receipts from my physio to claim from the health fund. (See bits of paper on the floor bottom left, and ignore the round thing which must be a sun spot.) During the search I disturbed inches of dust, which, of course, led to the necessity of vacuuming. I had just changed the sheets, pillow cases and doona covers, causing the usual down drift, so this, too, always means vacuuming. (Washing is my favourite domestic chore and I just love hopping into nice clean sheets that smell of sunshine at night.)
At the foot of the bed you will see another doona doing its best to hide two big plastic containers full of my diaires! I plan to read them again before disposing of them but can't quite bring myself to start. Meanwhile, Emma is delighted with what she thinks is a seat just for her.
Winifred, how I envy you, having lived in a house with a rambling garden! How wonderful! Do you have any photos of it?
I'm now going to watch Dr Phil while I eat my sandwich. I only lasted about 5 minutes as those Americans are too stupid for words! Oh, how normal I feel in comparison.